Thursday 15 January 2009

Putting clothes ON to go to bed

This week back has been pretty hard so far. I've been reminded of all the things I find so frustrating about the Thai education system - mainly that the kids have no discipline whatsoever and are impossible to control. Then there was a small dramatic episode with our visas and work permits. On Monday we went to extend our visas only to find out that they would expire on exactly the last day of school. That means that we would have to do a border run to Laos either the weekend before, or on the very last day of school which is time consuming and not free. We finally got that sorted out, and I can now stay in the country until March 31st with no obligation to leave which is a huge relief.

In case this all wasn't annoying enough, it is FREEZING here. When most people think of Thailand, they think about tropical weather, beautiful beaches, etc. Read my last two posts to see evidence that this does in fact exist. However, up here in the North, when the sun goes down it takes the heat with it. Yesterday I wore a huge pair of wooly socks, long pajama pants, a long sleeved T-shirt, a sweatshirt with the hood pulled over my head and a SCARF to bed. And I was still freezing underneath my two thick comforters. Our rooms have tiles floors and cement walls with no insulation and no heating/air conditioning, so if it's cold, we're cold, if it's hot, we're still kind of cold. If you've been thinking of sending that care package with the electric blanket, now would be a good time. 
Let's hope it only lasts a couple more weeks, then bring on the Thai summer!


Anonymous said...

Hi M

Has the world suddenly just gone v cold. It's as bad here in Italy and back in the UK. Anyway sounds like you're having a ball - esp over xmas and new year (happy NY by the way!).

Keep up the great postings and take care M

Anonymous said...

Oh man - I never thought about Thailand getting cold!!! Hope it warms up for you soon.

It's been -8 here in the UK recently but thankfully has started to thaw a bit now.

I too want an electric blanket!!